The world is beginning to open up as the time of the pandemic comes to an end. The pandemic may have been a time of change, growth, the start of new chapters, and the end of old chapters. As we adapt to a new stage of normal, let’s take this as an opportunity to return with our goals realigned to how we feel and where we are now. We can practice realignment by having a purposeful re-entry and what better time to do that than now.
A purposeful re-entry means getting in tune with what you’re looking for in life in the present moment. Does this mean returning to your old schedule of commuting to work everyday, getting together with friends regularly, starting a new relationship? Think about what your re-entry will look like.
Take a moment to reflect
While reflecting, consider how you feel, if you’re moving towards your goals, what steps you’re taking to get to where you want to be, and if any goals or ambitions have changed. If you do notice a shift in how you feel, then that’s the perfect place to start with realigning yourself.
While it can be nerve-wracking to take steps towards change, it is worth considering what makes you happy. Change can happen for a variety of reasons: lack of fulfillment, exhaustion, and a desire to pursue a new dream. It’s also completely valid. We, as humans, transform every day, so why wouldn’t our values and goals also change?
Start the process of realigning yourself with your goals by asking purposeful questions. By asking questions about how you feel and checking in with yourself, you are opening the door to growth, discovery, and direction.
Meaningful Questions to Ask Yourself
The following are some goal-directed questions you can ask yourself as you start your transformative journey. You can add specific questions to the list that pertain to your current circumstances.
What is best for me right now?
What do I want to address?
Am I looking for the same things in life now as I was before the pandemic?
What will serve my needs?
What do I want for the next chapter of my life?
Where do I see myself going?
What feels right for my future?
How do I see myself growing?
Take a moment to ask yourself these powerful questions. Some of the answers may come easy to you and others may take further reflection. Remember, priorities shift. It’s okay to switch direction in life if what you once wanted does not serve what you want now. To follow up the questions, you can reflect on the common themes that come up.
Contemplate the Themes in Your Life
After asking yourself the previous questions, you can survey all of the themes that came to your mind. Maybe you thought about a relationship and whether or not it’s serving you. Perhaps you contemplated a job and what role it plays in your life currently. When you take your themes into account, you are allowing yourself to pinpoint major factors that affect you everyday. Upon everything opening up again and schedules being resumed, you can highlight the following purposeful question. Am I still looking for the same things in my life now as before the pandemic?
When you acknowledge what you want most in life, you better solidify your new goals by putting down the stepping stones to what’s best for you and your needs. As you turn inward, you can reassess where you are now and adapt your goals accordingly.
Taking Time for Inward Reflection
Diving deeper into contemplation through inward reflection can assist you through many avenues. During this stage, you can ask yourself if you have a plan and if you do have a plan, you can check to see if that method falls in alignment with where you want to go in life. For instance, if you have a fitness goal, consider if your exercise and/or meal plan assist you on your fitness journey. By creating a plan that connects well with your goals, you are setting yourself up to succeed in whatever you set your mind on.
Sometimes, however, it may take more than a plan to motivate you to reach your new goals. To put yourself in a positive mindset to attain your ambitions and goals, you can state mantras. You can take emotional themes that you tell yourself and apply them to this exercise. For instance, if you’re seeking more confidence or self-love, you can create mantras that match those themes.
Using Mantras that Serve You
The following are some examples of mantras that you can use in your day-to-day life.
I deserve love.
I love myself fully and completely.
I am confident in myself, my abilities, and my journey.
I have the power within to tap into my inner confidence.
I am taking steps towards what I want in life.
I’m becoming more and more confident.
Hypnotherapy Can Help Realign You with Your Goals
If you’ve gone through the stages of reflection and reached into your intuition to gain insight, you can take it a step deeper and use hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is a guiding tool that’s meant to serve you in anything you choose to move towards. If you’re looking for self-confidence, clarity for your next chapter, fulfillment in a new job, or internal joy, hypnosis can help you realign yourself with your goals.
As we re-enter a new normal following the pandemic, let this be an opportunity for you to gain clarity for your path forward.
Are you ready to get realigned with your aspirations?
You can contact me at Mindful Hypnotherapy of San Francisco for an online hypnotherapy session. I look forward to assisting you on your aspirational journey.
Photo by Ryan Holloway | @hollowaykryan from Unsplash