Have you ever gone through a challenging time in your life that led you to ask when you’d see light at the end of the tunnel? Asking yourself this question is a sign telling you to take notice of the emotions you are feeling. It’s also a signal for you to pay attention to what any aches and pains in your body might be trying to say.
To address the emotional turmoil or distraught feelings in your head, heart, and body, you need to give yourself space to truly listen to them. This isn’t easy. It’s much easier to numb your emotions with a quick and temporary fix like food, alcohol, online shopping, or other distractions. However, just like anxiety — sitting still during a dark period in your life is the first step to unraveling your emotions. Then, by listening and tapping into the knowledge it’s showing you, you can navigate through the darkness and get to a better feeling place.
When you give yourself permission to be quiet, you look to your intuition to guide you.
This is a gift that will help you embrace how you are feeling by tapping into your insight. You’ll then be able to understand the heavy emotions you’re experiencing. And, within time, the darkness will fade and/or introduce you to other feelings that need to be felt.
The outcome isn’t always about what you need to do or what action needs to take place — it could simply be to notice and feel. This can then allow an internal shift to happen.
Some signs that you’re shifting and moving through the dark days include:
Your breathing stabilizes and you feel less intense.
Body pain subsides; especially in your stomach and chest.
You’re eager to start your day.
You smile more and find yourself dancing or singing.
You feel lighter.
You feel less isolated and more open to connect with others.
Hypnotherapy Can Help You Get the Pep Back in Your Step
Feeling the feels is essential for dealing with dark days. And, hypnotherapy can help you find the calm within by listening to your emotions and body.
In a hypnotherapy session, you’ll be guided to a still space. You’ll also learn breathing exercises and self-talk coping skills that will help quiet your mind so that you can then listen to your emotions and feelings. Hypnosis suggestions will also be given to help you process and do this deep work.
For instance:
I have a client who’s experienced a lot of death in her family. Initially, she didn’t give herself space to process her feelings and distracted herself by creating bad habits like overeating. But, after she allowed herself to quiet her mind and tune in to her emotions, she was able to fully feel her sadness. Along with listening to her emotions, she was able to use self-talk tools, and guided hypnotherapy suggestions, to look at her emotions differently. This helped her process and move through this difficult time.
Rather than feeling defeated about the loss in her family, she’s able to redirect her emotions and look at every moment in life as an opportunity to live fully and in the now.
Getting through the dark days is an uplifting and hopeful process because it’s a beautiful reminder that nothing in life is permanent. It’s also a reminder that this too shall pass. Again, our intuitive self is pointing us to go within. Perhaps it could be something we have ignored, something that needs to be processed, or something we simply need to feel.
So, look at your dark days as a sign. A sign to take notice, address your emotions, and remember that even with the darkest clouds, there’s still light at the end of the tunnel!
Are you ready to work through the dark days and see clearer?
To learn more about how virtual/online hypnotherapy can help you through the dark days, contact me at Mindful Hypnotherapy of San Francisco. I look forward to being a part of your transformative healing journey.
Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels