Why Taking Time to Reflect Supports Achieving Your Goals

It’s the start of 2021 and an ideal time to reflect on 2020. Now’s an opportunity to think about what’s worked and what hasn’t worked for you during the past year. It’s an opportunity to take notice of how and why your goals might have changed. And it’s also the perfect time to learn from decisions, actions, and what’s been on your mind throughout the previous 12 months.

So, take time to reflect.

When you give yourself space to think about your accomplishments, teachable moments, behaviors, emotions, and challenges from 2020, you’ll then be able to identify if you need to course correct so that you stay on track or decide to pivot.

Reflecting upon the past year to help you consider if you’re moving in the right direction, isn’t a new concept. Life strategists and business leaders Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, and Tim Ferriss also promote goal setting and doing a past year review as a strategy for creating a roadmap to achieve success.

Things to Think About When You Reflect

First things, first. Pay attention to your patterns and see if you notice any trends or hotspots. For instance:

  • Did you avoid focusing on goals, relationships, and practicing self-care?

  • Did the time you spend on your goals push you further, fuel you, and improve your life in some way?

  • Are you happy with the direction you’re moving in?

Your responses to these questions may determine if you need (or want) to change your path. They’re not a measure of good vs. bad or success vs. failure — they’re just thoughts to ponder as you reflect on 2020 and what you’d like to focus on now and in the future.

Why Didn’t You Achieve Your 2020 Goals

Due to the turn 2020 took, it’s understandable if your priorities shifted. Maybe this change in direction helped you reevaluate what matters most to you. Perhaps you got distracted and spent a lot of time on things that didn’t feed you — like, scrolling on social media and getting sucked into too much news about the state of the world. Perhaps you also faced fear about unknowns like the virus and job security.

Even in a non-pandemic year, priorities can still shift. When you reflect, consider all the factors involved in why you didn’t achieve some of the goals you set in the beginning of the year. Your revelations will serve as baselines to support you seeing clearer. This will then help you set future goals to ensure you’re on track to living life on your terms.

Celebrate Your Achievements

By taking a look back and acknowledging your wins, you get to see what works and what serves you. This reflection process includes honoring huge achievements, such as starting a business or processing emotions that you had been previously ignoring. It also includes recognizing smaller successes, like learning a new skill or completing a task, to help you achieve your goals.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stay on Course and Meet Your Goals

In order to move forward, you need to look back, be present, and tap into your inner world.

Hypnotherapy is a perfect complement to yearly goal reflections because it provides tools to quiet your mind so that you can take notice and see things clearer.

Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool. With hypnotherapy, you can use the power of your mind to further address these changes. Along with hypnotherapy, this could entail keeping a journal, tracking your wins in a performance plan or chart, meditating, or just intentionally taking time to reflect.

To learn more about how virtual/online hypnotherapy can help achieve your goals, visit Mindful Hypnotherapy of San Francisco.

Photo by Keegan Houser from Pexels